Poetry From the Fire Pit with poet Nathan Brown

Listen to Poetry From the Fire Pit podcast HERE.

Join former Oklahoma Poet Laureate Nathan Brown and listen to how his idea of poetry from The Fire Pit Sessions in Austin, Texas grew into a collaborative four-volume poetry book series that uses 300 plus poems to track Covid-19's pandemic trajectory across the globe. 

Poetry From the Fire Pit

I discovered Nathan's collaborative poetry from The Fire Pit Sessions when I tuned into his Facebook Live show. Accompanied by a blazing fire, stones stacked high, tiki torches, and Texas Hill Country trees, Nathan greeted his viewers by name, played a tune on his guitar, and read a number of the poems from his growing series. 

While Nathan can rightfully take credit as the primary author of the poems he reads in The Fire Pit Sessions, he givers full collaborative credit to all the people who commissioned him to write poems about their lives. As you might have guessed, writing collaborative poetry demands research, conversations, and the wisdom to let one's ego inform rather than dictate the poetic effort. 

In the coming years, you'll encounter many thoughtful books, poems, and essays about how the Covid-19 pandemic changed our world forever.  I predict Nathan's The Fire Pit Sessions four-volume series will emerge as an enduring historical testament to how Nathan's poetic creativity helped many mend the rips that occurred during this still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  

Indeed, we live in an age when who can say with confidence, tomorrow will be a better day?  And yet, amid all this uncertainty, you'll find the poetry from The Fire Pit Sessions hosted by Mr. Nathan Brown, a warm place to settle if, by chance, you're in the market for a little bit of hope in the poetic light of our unfolding days.  Enjoy this interview. 

James Navé
James Navé is a poet, storyteller, creativity consultant, and arts entrepreneur. He co-founded Poetry Alive! a theater company that has performed traditional poems as theater for millions of students, K-12. He and Julia Cameron established and directed The Artist’s Way Creativity Camp in Taos, NM, 1995-2003. Navé helped pioneer the performance poetry movement in the United States. He has been on the TEDxNewYork Salon organizing committee since 20012. His work has appeared in two books of poetry and in numerous journals and magazines. He is a co-founder of Twice 5 Miles, a content and marketing collective based in Taos and Brooklyn. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College. He has memorized over 500 poems.

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