Hollywood Movie Making with Kieran Fitzgerald

Twice 5 Miles Radio welcomes screenwriter Kieran Fitzgerald to the microphone.

Click HERE to listen to the Kieran’s Interview

James Navé here. In this insightful conversation, Kieran explores the idea of how he uses healthy internal creative pressure to write winning screenplays for the Hollywood movie-making community. Kieran's screenwriting credits include Snowden, The HomesmanWormwood (Netflix), and The Ballad of Esequiel Hernandez.

In preparation, I re-watched Snowden, and viewed Wormwood for the first time. If you're curious about global politics both today and in past years, please view both Snowden and Wormwood.

Kieran tells us how in the surprising circus of Hollywood movie-making, you never know what might happen, when it will happen, or who might help when it does. That's why it's a good to make and keep friends. 

Kieran offers several tips on how to develop your screenwriting skills. Kieran recommends studying literary pieces as if they were malleable, imperfect, entirely fallible attempts. This approach gives you the license to view the literary work as a rough draft. Try pretending the word was written by somebody you don't like. Funny, yet workable idea, don't you think? That's Hollywood movie-making. 

Kieran reports that Hollywood is rapidly moving into the high-quality podcast arena?  So if you have a podcast idea, "who knows," Kieran says, “you might find a bigger audience out there than you ever imagined."   Indeed, we all have something important to say.  If you'd like to start podcasting, go ahead, dive in and tell your story. You probably have more fans than you think.

Click HERE to listen to the Kieran’s Interview.

Thanks for tuning into Hollywood Movie-making. 

Click HERE to contact me with your movie stories.

See you on the turn-around, somewhere down the line.

James Navé
James Navé is a poet, storyteller, creativity consultant, and arts entrepreneur. He co-founded Poetry Alive! a theater company that has performed traditional poems as theater for millions of students, K-12. He and Julia Cameron established and directed The Artist’s Way Creativity Camp in Taos, NM, 1995-2003. Navé helped pioneer the performance poetry movement in the United States. He has been on the TEDxNewYork Salon organizing committee since 20012. His work has appeared in two books of poetry and in numerous journals and magazines. He is a co-founder of Twice 5 Miles, a content and marketing collective based in Taos and Brooklyn. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College. He has memorized over 500 poems.

Inventing the Poetry Slam with poet Marc Smith


Dazzling Impermanence